Deer River Coop Credit Union

Your Home Town Credit Union Working for You

Security Online

The Deer River Coop Credit Union will NEVER contact you and ask for your personal information, account number or password.

Avoid paying bills, banking, and shopping on a public computer, or on any device (such as a laptop or mobile phone) over a public wireless network.

Think before you click to visit a website or call a number in a suspicious email or phone message—both could be phony.

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Online scams are inevitable. Among the most widely known scams is phishing, in which perpetrators try to steal your private information, such as online-account logins and personal financial data, via fake e-mails, websites, and even phone texts. A typical phishing solicitation appears to be from a company or service you trust and possibly already do business with, including a bank, a payment service such as PayPal, or an agency such as the IRS.

Create strong passwords. Strong passwords are at least 10 characters long and include a combination of letters (both upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols. They are easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Watch for deals that sound too good to be true, phony job ads, notices that you have won a lottery, or requests to help a distant stranger transfer funds. Other clues include urgent messages ("Your account will be closed!"), misspellings, and grammatical errors.

Be cautious with links to video clips and games, or open photos, songs, or other files — even if you know the sender. Check with the sender first.